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Product Classification
Reg. Number
Title 21: Food and Drugs
§ 522.204 Boldenone.

(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of solution contains 25 or 50 milligrams (mg) boldenone undecylenate.

(b) Sponsor. See No. 054771 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

(c) Conditions of use in horses - (1) Amount. 0.5 mg per pound body weight by intramuscular injection. Treatment may be repeated at 3-week intervals.

(2) Indications for use. As an aid for treating debilitated horses when an improvement in weight, hair coat, or general physical condition is desired.

(3) Limitations. Do not administer to horses intended for human consumption. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

[70 FR 70998, Nov. 25, 2005, as amended at 79 FR 16184, Mar. 25, 2014]
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