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Title 21: Food and Drugs
§ 1.914 Under what circumstances will we waive a requirement of this subpart?

We will waive any requirement of this subpart with respect to any class of persons, vehicles, food, or nonfood products, when we determine that:

(a) The waiver will not result in the transportation of food under conditions that would be unsafe for human or animal health; and

(b) The waiver will not be contrary to the public interest.

§ 1.916 When will we consider whether to waive a requirement of this subpart?

We will consider whether to waive a requirement of this subpart on our own initiative or on the petition submitted under § 10.30 of this chapter by any person who is subject to the requirements of this subpart with respect to any class of persons, vehicles, food, or nonfood products.

§ 1.918 What must be included in the Statement of Grounds in a petition requesting a waiver?

In addition to the requirements set forth in § 10.30 of this chapter, the Statement of Grounds in a petition requesting a waiver must:

(a) Describe with particularity the waiver requested, including the persons, vehicles, food, or nonfood product(s) to which the waiver would apply and the requirement(s) of this subpart to which the waiver would apply; and

(b) Present information demonstrating that the waiver will not result in the transportation of food under conditions that would be unsafe for human or animal health and will not be contrary to the public interest.

§ 1.920 What information submitted in a petition requesting a waiver or submitted in comments on such a petition is publicly available?

We will presume that information submitted in a petition requesting a waiver and comments submitted on such a petition does not contain information exempt from public disclosure under part 20 of this chapter and would be made public as part of the docket associated with this request.

§ 1.922 Who will respond to a petition requesting a waiver?

The Director or Deputy Directors of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) or the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), or the Director, Office of Compliance, CFSAN, or the Director, Office of Surveillance and Compliance, CVM, will respond to a petition requesting a waiver.

§ 1.924 What process applies to a petition requesting a waiver?

(a) In general, the procedures set forth in § 10.30 of this chapter govern our response to a petition requesting a waiver.

(b) Under § 10.30(h)(3) of this chapter, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register, requesting information and views on a filed petition, including information and views from persons who could be affected by the waiver if the petition were to be granted.

(c) Under § 10.30(e)(3) of this chapter, we will respond to the petitioner in writing.

(1) If we grant the petition, either in whole or in part, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register setting forth any waiver and the reasons for such waiver.

(2) If we deny the petition (including partial denials), our written response to the petitioner will explain the reason(s) for the denial.

(d) We will make readily accessible to the public, and periodically update, a list of filed petitions requesting waivers, including the status of each petition (for example, pending, granted, or denied).

§ 1.926 Under what circumstances may we deny a petition requesting a waiver?

We may deny a petition requesting a waiver if the petition does not provide the information required under § 1.918 (including the requirements of § 10.30 of this chapter), or if we determine that the waiver could result in the transportation of food under conditions that would be unsafe for human or animal health, or that the waiver could be contrary to the public interest.

§ 1.928 What process will we follow when waiving a requirement of this subpart on our own initiative?

If we, on our own initiative, determine that a waiver is appropriate, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register setting forth the waiver and the reasons for such waiver.

§ 1.930 When will a waiver that we grant become effective?

Any waiver that we grant will become effective on the date that notice of the waiver is published in the Federal Register.

§ 1.932 Under what circumstances may we modify or revoke a waiver?

We may modify or revoke a waiver if we determine that the waiver could result in the transportation of food under conditions that would be unsafe for human or animal health or that the waiver could be contrary to the public interest.

§ 1.934 What procedures apply if we determine that a waiver should be modified or revoked?

(a) We will provide the following notifications:

(1) We will notify the entity that initially requested the waiver, in writing at the address identified in its petition, if we determine that a waiver granted in response to its petition should be modified or revoked.

(2) We will publish a notice of our determination that a waiver should be modified or revoked in the Federal Register. This notice will establish a public docket so that interested parties may submit written submissions on our determination.

(b) We will consider timely written submissions submitted to the public docket from interested parties.

(c) We will publish a notice of our decision in the Federal Register. The effective date of the decision will be the date of publication of the notice.

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